As an R package, ECharts2Shiny can help embed the interactive charts plotted by ECharts library into our Shiny application. Currently, we can support
From CRAN,
For the latest development version, please install from GitHub
# Prepare sample data for plotting --------------------------
dat <- data.frame(c(1, 2, 3),
c(2, 4, 6))
names(dat) <- c("Type-A", "Type-B")
row.names(dat) <- c("Time-1", "Time-2", "Time-3")
# Server function -------------------------------------------
server <- function(input, output) {
# Call functions from ECharts2Shiny to render charts
renderBarChart(div_id = "test", grid_left = '1%', direction = "vertical",
data = dat)
# UI layout -------------------------------------------------
ui <- fluidPage(
# We MUST load the ECharts javascript library in advance
tags$div(id="test", style="width:50%;height:400px;"),
deliverChart(div_id = "test")
# Run the application --------------------------------------
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
(For more examples, please refer to the
folder of the repo on GitHub)
For each type of charts, you need to prepare the data to be in specific format for EChart2Shiny.
Please refer to the document of each function and the examples for details
ECharts2Shiny package itself is under GPL-2.
The ECharts JS library is under BSD license (ECharts).